Sunday, April 05, 2009


I started doing the 365 the other day, on the 1st of the month. It's pretty sweet, considering that it keeps me into photography. There are so many people doing it, it's crazy! And they're all really artistic too. Makes me love photography even more. You can see my 365 activity on the right >>
So, I might get a job at the call center. Apparently they pay really well, like $1000 a month or something. And considering how awesome my English is compared to most people here, I should be able to get the job easily. Woohoooo! (lol I just did that out loud and my sister chuckled.)
My brother's home for the weekend btw. Or for a day...
We're all hitting up the international church in the morning. I haven't been there yet. So far I've attended church just once since I got here. But the international church is apparently a hit for our family. Most likely because it's international and we Celiz kids went to international schools.
Enough blabbering.
Us siblings be watching Disturbia right about now.


Stephanie said...


Tamara said...

Yay for the 365 project!!!