Friday, February 06, 2009

Back On Here

Well, I decided I should start posting again. There've been quite a few changes in my life since my last post. I actually started working on a post a few weeks ago, but it ended up just being a draft. If I remember right, it had something to do with lots of pictures.

Here's a list of things that happened so far:

- I helped the relatives I lived with in Edmonton move house.
- My transition into the new year wuzn't very pleasant. I spent it in a bathroom puking my guts out for an hour. I don't think anyone really knows about that.
- I met new people just by working in another department at Superstore.
- I got into a relationship with someone I met from work, but unfortunately that ended after about 3 weeks because I had to leave the country.
- During my last week in Canada, I must have downloaded over 100 movies because I knew how crap the internet in the Philippines is.
- I am now in the Philippines. I don't like it here. I don't feel like I belong here.
- I am now 22 years and 2 days old.
- I spend a lot of time with my sister Carla when she's not in school.
- I started calling Carla by different variations of her name - Carls, Carlsberg, Carlton, Carlita..
- Since I got here, I've had cravings for porky food.
- I worked out with Carls the other day at this place called Celebrity. It's a private sporty place we're members at. That wuz the first time I worked out in 3 years.
- Usually my uncle drives our car, but when we reach the neighborhood coming home, he lets me drive. It's quite a pleasure.

And that's pretty much it. I miss the snow, the nice weather, the people, the freedom.. back "home" I guess I could call it, considering I pretty much established what was a good life there for myself.

Anyway, that's it for now. I have a feeling this blog's gonna start getting more personal from now on, considering how ponderous I've been since I got here. We'll see.

Peace, world.

P.S. I just watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. It was really good.


Stephanie said...

Finally!!!! The philippines looks like an amazing place, you should enjoy it while you can. I want to hear more about your experiences in Edmonton. If you moved back to Canada would you move back there, or Toronto? Do you have a phone number yet?

Tamara said...

Dood. Update.