Monday, November 24, 2008


Work today wuz pretty cool. Prolly the most interesting day so far. It consisted of hyperdorkum drumming on flattened cardboard boxes in front of the incinerator with Chad, writing little messages on the cardboard before throwing them in the incinerator, standing around talking about random things, watching people throw things at the wall and the ceiling, wiping diarrhea-looking pudding off of my shoe and the floor (haha gross), and other things I forget right now. Yeah it wuz all cool until everybody left and I wuz the only one in my department because Raoul came late. I had to put the milk out by myself! And it took a lot of heavy lifting. That wore me out after a while. And since there wuz no milk out for a while after everyone left, customers kept asking me to bring them milk "do you have 2%? i want four" "please can you give me two 3%" and I had to do that while I wuz clearing out the milk crates, which takes a while cuz there's too many. Toooo many (four 4 litre milk jugs fit in one crate).
Anyway, I'm pretty tired and I could sleep now. But I won't, because it's only 9:16pm and I only have to wake up at 7 or so and if I sleep now, I'll wake up at 3am or something and that's too early.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

I friggin love the fact that you work with someone named "Raoul"