My Top 5 Hottehs:
in almost no particular order

With eyes like those? How can you not die for this woman? XP She has a hot shmile (oh those dimples) and yummy lips haha. She always seems to look gorgeous and you gotta love her tan... and her hair... Oh yeah she's fun in All About The Benjamins and Hitch, and almost too hot in We Own The Night. And of course she's the only reason anyone really wanted to watch that terrible terrible movie, Ghost Rider.

Becaaaause she's a versatile actress and she's got gorgeous eyes, juuuuicy lips, and she can pull off being blonde and brunnette whenever she pleases. She's prolly the shweetest blonde I know of haha. Oh and she plays awesome characters in movies. You can't forget her awesome punkyness in The Perfect Score and she wuz definitely great in Lost In Translation, which is one of my favorite movies. Oh and yes she's a very talented singer too. She has an album out ^^ and it's no poppy stuff. I forget whose songs she covers though. Tim knows.

Ooooo Ms. Jolie! Yup. You gotta love her good looks and crazy side... and well.. of course that craziness all changed now but she's still preeeeetty and hot. Yeah she went through that waify period but whoa she got it all back fast, hmm? Ah drop-dead gawjus with mad talent (how many awards has she gotten?). I still have to watch A Mighty Heart and see how that went. Oh yeah, if she's ever going to adopt new kids, I want her to adopt me too considering how much she loves those Asians XD

I don't know. She seems fun and nuts XD I immediately liked her after watching Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and yeah she wuz in Mission Impossible 3 too but that wasn't as awesome I think. Hmm seems like I got more of a thing for brunettes at this point.

She wuz the lead singer and guitarist of now broken up punk band The Distillers (finally, someone who's not an actress!). Sure she's got that distinct husky voice but she's a cute and a gorgeous babe. Yeah I guess I do have a thing for punked out girls too and I'm pretty sure she's naturally blonde XP It wuz actually hard to decide which pic of her to put up so I decided to put up a few because she tends to look different in every photo (gotta love those eyes in the first pic). Hmm.. Is it just me or does she have some Angelina Jolie qualities about her?
Well, that's that..
Nice variety...
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