So today, Stephanie and I went to watch
Into The Wild. First we went and got food at
Subway, then we went to the theater, smuggling all the food and drinks, and Stephanie grabbed an Into The Wild poster.
It was a good movie. I liked the story (based on a true story). It was pretty captivating. There were funny parts too which was good. And Emile Hirsch was naked in one shot. *nudge nudge, Steph* then at the end I got teary. Because it's so sad... ='( but then I started chuckling because I saw a woman in front of me wiping her eyes solemnly. And my chuckling made Stephanie laugh. I really didn't mean to ruin that moment XD but I quickly went back to being teary again because I am considerate and I have feelings and it was sad.
Anyway, then on our way out of the theater, I grabbed a poster too. While we were walking, we were bummed out that we didn't bring our cameras because we passed by these interesting-looking places (not to mention 'weird people') and we felt the urge to take pictures.
Stephanie: Look at that! You should've brought your camera!
Kevin: Yeah! I should've brought it! Why didn't I bring it? AHH! You should have brought yours too! And it's smaller.
Stephanie: I know..! But I forgot..I don't know why, probably because we're crazy artistic film students who like cameras and we like documenting things. We are so cool. We really are. So then we caught the subway to Yonge and Eglinton and Stephanie had to buy "rope and eyeliner". Yes. Hmm. But then we only found eyeliner. And in the shop I was smelling these ADIDAS perfumes (one was for women, I didn't know until I saw it was pink and said 'Women'). They smelled pretty good. I can still smell a bit of it on the back of my hand. I smell sexy.
Then we went outside and it was pretty hot. And ever since we got out of the movie, we kept having these moments where we'd say, "Let's go to Alaska..."
Kevin: Where should we go?
Stephanie: We should go to Alaska.Nope, we decided to go to Eglinton Park. On the way there, a yellow ladybug landed on Stephanie's shoulder and she freaked out. I thought that was funny. Yes, I laughed. I laughed a lot. XD
But then we thought of getting food but we didn't get food because we carried no cash and just walked around this one block where there were lots and lots and lots of fallen leaves. (Yes, I realize that was a run-on sentence XD) The leaves were crunchy so it was fun to walk in them. We felt like raking peoples' yards, and thought it would make good money haha. And piling up the leaves would make it fun to jump in them.
Most of the houses we passed by had pumpkins outside their porch too. And we saw a greyish/brown squirrel which was crazy because almost all the squirrels here are black. Being a squirrel must be cool. Imagine all the crazy photos you can take if you were a squirrel. You can like, go really high up in a tree and take pictures of humans who are way down below! And you can take pictures of your squirrel friends too. Like expressive portraits! Be really up close to them - something humans can't do otherwise!
Then we stopped being squirrels, and finally arrived at Eglinton Park, where we saw this underground forest. Yes, an underground forest. It's a mystery. It's about 20 feet below the ground.
Yup, then we went and crossed the children's playground to the field where these guys were playing soccer. We sat on a lunch table and thought we'd supported the 'yellow team' because they had more black people. We like black people. But the teams really sucked. And we couldn't figure out what language the black guys were speaking.
Stephanie: What language is that? Zimbabwean?
Kevin: I don't know. *tries to make it out* ...Is it French?
Stephanie: HAHA no!?
Kevin: For real? I don't know...
Stephanie: Come on..! You should know these things!
Kevin: HAHAHAThen we just sat there and talked about random things (like Into The Wild and places we've been to) and made fun of the soccer players. And at one point, Stephanie pulled out her rolled up poster of Into The Wild, out of her bag and it was smushed. It was alright though. And we had a discussion about who was better: Kanye West or 50 Cent, and who sold the most records. Bye-bye 50. But we liked 50 because of his song with Justin Timberlake,
Ayo Technology. Stephanie had it on her iPod so we listened to it (and it got stuck in my head until now). Then the battery died. I'm not sure if that was a good or bad thing... Oh and we tried to remember Dustin Hoffman's name because he's in
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer. And Stephanie said I should watch it. We went through movies he's in and the whole alphabet to remember what letter his name started with.
Stephanie: He's in 'Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium'!
Kevin: HAHA yeah I know who you're talking about.
Stephanie: And 'Meet the Fockers'.
Kevin: Yeah! He's so old now...
Stephanie: I know. What other movies is he in?
Kevin: Ishtar? And...ahh we just watched a movie with him in it in class!
Stephanie: He's in 'Rain Man'! With Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise and...hmm..
Kevin: Oh yeah! That's the movie we watched in class. Tom Cruise and...
Stephanie: OH! Wait, I had it..
Kevin: HAHA that sucks. Thanks, now this is gonna bother me the rest of the day.
Stephanie: AHH what's his name??
Kevin: Hmm...I think it starts with an 'S'. Sean? Umm..
Stephanie: Cedric?
Kevin: That's a 'C'. HAHA
Stephanie: Oh yeah, it is a 'C'... I think it starts with a 'B'...
Took us a while until Stephanie got it.
Dustin Hoffman!Then we had about 45 minutes to spare until Stephanie had to go to work-o. So we walked, choosing a random block, and Stephanie was holding her poster and accidentally bumped it into a pole which made it worse. Then we stopped by RBC bank so Steph could get cash, then we went to
Tim Horton's and she bought us both
Iced Caps because...I don't know, because she is nice and it was hot out? (Why are you so nice, S-dub? Thanks. I so owe you.) So then we just sat in Tim Horton's and talked because it was cool inside. Outside was hot. Inside was nice.
Then Stephanie went to work and I went home. Cool day yo!
Now I shall face yet another week of school. I have a writeup to do for scriptwriting class and Google Talk just notified me that I got an email confirmation from my teacher to do it on
Amelie. Sweet. I think she's an interesting hero/protagonist in the movie so I thought it would make it a fun and somewhat easy essay to work on. Let's see what my teacher said..
Hey Kevin,
Yes, that is fine. Amelie is a very good film. Not a problem at all.
All the best,
ChrisCool. The assignment's due Friday, so don't forget to wish me luck if you're gonna post a comment. actually reminds me of the essay I did last year on
Man On Fire, in Film History where I had to...
Choose one contemporary film and discuss how it has been influenced by the cinematic movements we have studied in class (Silent Cinema, Soviet Montage, German Expressionism, Avant-Garde Impressionism, Film Noir, Italian Neorealism, Film Feminist Theory.). Please discuss the formal system and visual style of the film in detail as it relates to those influences. Ironically, I saw that essay today as I was going through my drawer of pants, where I've kept my binders from last year. The essay I got a 10/10 on. Yes, an A+. Cuz I'm so good. So smart.. But go ahead and wish me luck anyway. I'm really not that full of myself XD