Sunday, July 08, 2007

Back In Maputo

So I'm back. Can still hardly believe it. Love it though. Love my mom's food and just being home and taking walks and seeing my friends...

Yesterday I went to the food fair with Gabriel, Paty and Ana around 12:30. It was cool. I met lots of people I hadn't seen since I left. They were cool. Lots of compliments and weird comments about my hair XD a series of-

"Oh I love your hair!"
"I like your hair. It's nice. Ah my favorite Filipino! He's so cute."
"Your hair looks pretty!"
"What happened to your hair man?"
"I thought you were a girl. You look like a girl from the back. I told Martin that Toronto isn't doing your head any good." (note to self: this was Fabiola. kill her.)

and the best was Mahmoud..
"Hey man, what is this? What is this? I thought you were a chick! I had a crush on you! You have to cut it man."

It was funny. Most of the time I just hung out with Paty and Ana (they were always following me and whenever I talked to my friends, I'd supposedly "always get lost" and have to go find them) walking around and sitting by the fish pond at the back and sometimes Jason and Ivan would come around. Gabs and Leila were talking, and Eddy and Hermano and those guys were in their own place somewhere. When I'd join them, we'd remember Mr John's 12th grade English class and imitate the way he talked and remember all the funny things he used to say XD and just laugh and laugh. Ah the good 'ol days.

It was cool. Then sometimes I'd bump into Hanni and Daniela (Carla's friends).

Hanni & Dani: (waving) Hi! Hello!
Kevin: AHH!! What's up! Hellooooo!

Then we'd all walk away really fast XD

So yeah I gotta say that the music was WACK! M.I.S. is such a joke XD but it's cool how they have food fairs. Just the performances they have on-stage is ridiculous. Mr Albert is such a dork MC.
So yeah, then I looked around for Michael but it turned out that he had gone home. Me, Paty and Ana bought boerwors which were pretty good. Walking in the food fair was brutal.
Then some people went to Franco to watch Kaspanatola and some other bands play. Me, Paty and Ana stayed behind because Ana couldnt go and if she went home she had to study. So we hung around for a bit and everytime people said hi to me or I went and said hi to someone, they'd be like "Oh, Mr [Popularity]. And you say you don't know anyone huh?" Haha it wuz funny. I really don't know anyone apart from my friends. It's weird, people just know me like that. Not even just through my brother and sister.

Ana: Those two girls were talking about you.
Kevin: Really? What did they say?
Ana: I don't know, I just heard one of them said they met you once. Do you know them?
Kevin: Damn. Uhmm.. (looks at them) Not really.

[I recognized them as my brother's classmates XD Kinda nice though being talked about. Quite a change from Toronto...]

Then I bought a waffle and the lady gave me HALF A PLATE to put it on! XD then me and my two followers went to Jardim around 5 and just sat under the big tree on a bench. Ngh. I used to sit on that bench with her*. But yeah, it wuz kinda cool. Sad at the same time. Then I tagged the bench XP. Then we walked Ana home (she lives a block away from Jardim) so she could hit the books and me and Paty just walked down Miradoro and I tagged some of the way to Caracol and got worried for a second because I had numerous tags on top of the cement fence.

Kevin: What if this goes on the news?? Like, "..someone has been doing graffiti everywhere.." then they come looking for me or something.
Paty: No, it won't.
Kevin: How do you know?
Paty: Look, this is Mozambique. And before it happens, you would already be gone. They're that slow.
Kevin: Hmmm...OK. That makes me feel better.

I wanna take pics soon. So much to capture and remember (Jardim especially).

Anyway, it's early Sunday morning. Fam needs to go to church at 9.

Ah. the familiarnessness-ness of Maputo.

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