So I was taking a break from writing/being bored and I thought I'd check up on the 'tones and this is what I found.
Yes! The Deftones have a blog. It's called "Deftones In Studio"!!
Chi's post is funny XD definitely putting them in my list of links.
(picture updated 7:48pm)
I'll put it in my links too. He's a funny guy.
By the way... do you want to hang out saturday during the day or sunday? I'm off Sunday but can't stay up too late.
you know what you should try on crunchy leaves? like you lie down, and roll around in them! ^^ I would try it here, but there aren't crunchy leaves, well I don't recall seeing any, AND, chances are that a hobo has peed in the pile of leaves xD hehe
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