Well, I've been sketching quite a lot lately. Gives me something to do when I'm in and bored on a rainy day. I'd say I've been pretty productive with my graff sketches. Experimenting with 3D shapes and letters. I'm getting there. I made some satisfying progress. It gets pretty intricate. I'm trying to go for highly intricate and weird though. It's more interesting and something I've always wanted to do but wuz too scared to try. Not sure why, but I'm happy that I'm doing it now. See where I go with it in a few weeks.
oh gosh kev. This is great. is this the thing you showed me before only more edited? I really love that. want to see it when its done.
I dont know why either. Youre a great graff artist and your sketches are always amazing (grafitti or not) I look forward to seeing that on a wall.. even on my wall =D i dont mind!
You know. Im going to miss you so much when you go.. I love you though.. and i hope you have an amazing time there. and our blog will help us maintain contact. so no worries.
Ill be yours always ok? youre never going to lose me and i hope i dont lose you. Youre my everything.. however cheesy that may sound.
Your mich*
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