Good thing my roommates are out ^^
Anyway, the question remains: Will the blackness of my hair stand the test of time? =O
*Dun dun DUUUUN!*
Aaaaand...just so you know, the stupid weather decided to snow on us. It's cold once again. How glorious. But, I shall not let myself be put down by this ridiculousnessity! NO I WON'T!
So...I guess here's me being silly... XP

1 comment:
hhahahhahahhahaHAHAHAHHA i just fucking lvoe those pictures. its like... something... attacking munchies or whatever those are XP
youre so silly. but i love you for it.
HAHAhHA. yes. you should see my bro. he SUCKS at chess.
he was like (before the game): you know im the president of the chess club in my school
and after i was busy massacring him, i was like "sod it" and just ate his king instead of taking the time to checkmate it. cause he had a king and pawns. XP only.
and when he playhed with tara. and she was slaughtering him. i was like:
"liamy. the chess club at your school must be really bad" with a completely strait face
and everyone laughed and thought i was funyy (and mean) and it made me happy XP
and i think youre funny. so i hope that makes you happy.
and i dont know why i jsut said that. i guess just to conclude my ramble and stuff.
so yes. i love you. im going back to our msn convo now. =********
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