Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Resolution, Resolucion

I was asked again last night what my new year's resolutions were, but I wasn't really sure what to say.

So I thought them up and this is what I came up with:

My New Year's Resolutions

- read the news []
- do pushups every night (or try to)
- sketch as often as possible
- try to be organized (again)
- limit my expenses
- be more responsible (not so good at this)
- stop oversleeping and missing the morning class
- clean my room often
- study every night for at least 1 hour (hehe)
- not cut my hair
- be less lazy (not so good at this either)

-[anything to add belongs here]
-[and here]
-[and maybe here]

I have a feeling that this might turn out to be the biggest joke...

1 comment:

Micha said...

HAHAHAHA. pretty ambitious arent we? Have fun with that.

HAHHA. Nah... Im sure youll do fine...

Love you*