Little kids straight up! Hehehehe...Ceri...so young and pretty...ahh...I look so stupid here. Skinny as shit, with my blond highlights...but I guess we all had our looking stupid phases and whatnot. I think it's a little funny to look at.
Anyway, I've known Ceri since the 6th grade. We had our ups and downs, but somehow we became tight friends. More in 7th and 8th I think. We were hyperactive as hell! Fun times.
Then there wuz the dating and the separation...
But we never stopped talking or stopped being friends. And we also visited each other.
And now, almost 9 years later...we're like...pretty much best friends. She knows me more than anyone does. And we have that same mutual understanding. I trust her, I can tell her anything, and she'd always listen, even though she might be too busy sometimes to talk...
Can't imagine life without you Ceri...Always here for you.
Muchas gracias por todo! Te amo!
1 comment:
awww doobie...shit...thanx man. i'm here for u anytime..miss u lots!! i just missed u on google talk..sorry my mama was using the PC. She says "oh kevin just came on" haha. Thanx for u being you..thanx for ur friendship, ur support, ur love. Good times good times always. thanx for the post... reminisce (shit i have no idea how to spell that) timey. luv u...
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