Monday, October 30, 2006

I Fear...

Well, I found this...And I thought I'd fill it out because I'm BORED AS HELL!

If you get 10 or less you're fearless.
If you get 11 to 29 you are pretty normal.
If you get 30 or more your paranoid.
People who don't have any are homos who want people to think they are tough stuff.

Everyone fears just have to find the right thing

I Fear...

[ ] the dark
[X] staying single forever
[ ] being a parent
[X] giving birth
[ ] being myself in front of others
[ ] open spaces
[X] closed spaces
[X] heights
[ ] black cats
[ ] dogs
[ ] birds
[ ] fish
[ ] ants
[ ] driving
[ ] flying
[ ] flowers or other plants
[ ] being touched
[ ] fire
[X] dark water
[ ] the ocean
[X] failure
[ ] success
[X] thunder/lightning
[X] frogs/toads
[ ] my boy/girlfriends/(ex)boy/girlfriends dad
[ ] my boy/girlfriends/(ex)boy/girlfriends mom
[ ] mice/rats-
[ ] jumping from high places
[ ] snow
[ ] rain
[ ] wind
[ ] cotton balls
[ ] cemeteries
[ ] clowns
[ ] large crowds
[ ] crossing bridges
[X] death
[ ] Heaven
[ ] being robbed
[ ] men
[ ] women
[ ] having great responsibility
[ ] doctors, including dentists
[X] tornadoes
[X] hurricanes
[X] diseases
[X] snakes
[X] sharks
[ ] shots
[ ] Friday the 13th
[X] poverty
[ ] ghosts
[ ] Halloween
[ ] school
[ ] trains or railroads
[ ] odd numbers
[ ] even numbers
[ ] being alone
[X] being blind
[X] being deaf
[ ] growing up
[ ] monsters under my bed
[X] creepy noises in the night
[ ] bee stings
[X] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[ ] needles
[ ] blood
[X] someone you love or care about getting hurt
[ ] love

20! Pretty normal I guess ^^


Micha said...

hahahaha. cooooool. im gonna steal it! cause my blog is empty... im probably gonna be classified as paranoid... or maybe not..
XD ill go find smthing else bout it. maybe ill post my dumb essay and hope someone nice comes along and finishes it for me XD

Micha said...

love you :D

and yeah: BOO!