Dang, we been places together. Sometimes I forget that we went through the same things, saw the same things and all that - we're of the same blood after all...
You guys might've drove me crazy at times, but I'm glad I have you as siblings. I miss us just being kids. I miss us teasing each other. I miss us getting mad at each other. I miss going places with you guys. I miss fooling around and having a laugh with you guys. I miss watching you guys d0ing your own things...
Sorry for all the crap I put you through (though you might've deserved it at the time hehe...). I love you guys. I'm glad we're family. If you need to talk to anyone about anything and you don't know who to talk to, I'm there because I'm your brother.
Hahahha. so sweet ehehhe
Gosh. carla looks adorable in that first pic XD she looks so... diff
I think thats the first time ive seen her in a dress XD
well yeah... fika bem.
swollen eyes from crying eh?
kev man, after reading this, i cried man..i miss you too. the house is quieter and all..it's different..
aiight man, i g2g
stay well
hi kevv...
err.. nyc post? cried tooo.. man u ruined my happy mood.. ohh well. i gess thats wat big brothers like to doo.. =p
um yea.. miss you like A LOT.. sniff sniff..
man everytime i lie down on my bed.. next to my beautiful wall i jst think about wat we used to do.. as brother and sister.. and like now i wish we spent more tym togeda..
ok.. gna go.. dont wanna make u cry too macchh
loveee uuuu :)
hugs and kisses
Yo kev! check out my flog! ahahhaha
miss you
stay well
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