Finally got myself some sleep.
It's weird now that school's's like I feel so bored. Almost as if school gave me more things to do in my time...when really all I had to do was write scripts. Here's the usual formula:
classes + homework + own time (fun little random things + movies) = everyday
Now...take away homework. It's weird. I'm starting to think that the realization of having homework to do made me steer away from homework and find much more interesting things to do. I guess fun stuff wouldn't be as fun without the things next to it that are completely unfun.
For the record...I finished my script at 10:30 am today. That was 12 hours of writing! I was so happy to get it done and handed in. I was so delirious and red-eyed after everything. Oh and my teacher told me today that I'm a talented writer.. And then we were discussing what I wanted to get into with film and I told her about the documentary I worked on and the one I want to do. She said I should do it and something about getting funding for it. It was nice because I wasn't the most punctual person in class and I've had homework turned in late... But yes. She was cool and she gave me and the others a lot of tips and insight as to how to be a "writer". WORD.
ANYWAY. I'm home alone now. I have been for two days now. All the way until maybe January 4. That's when Ayden is coming back I think...and probably Ed, who's going to Columbia College in January. So yes, we're going to need a new room mate and I think we've already found one who's going to my school. Ed has a bathroom in his room so I think I'm going to move there when he leaves. Yes, I'm going to move his bathroom.. imagine that.
I feel so lonely. I miss everybody...not my roommates, but people that matter and make things better somehow, just being able to talk to them and [be with them].
Word. What an awesome holiday this will be.
I bought new pants today! That made me happy. They're black and comfortable and sweeet cargo pants! I haven't had pants exactly like this since 7th grade! Not of this fabric anyway. AHH I'm going to wear them everyday for 2 months XD my pants prior to these. haha