Hmmm...I wonder if I remember everything that happened last night...So...
Stephanie and I were hanging out at Andrew's house last night. When we got there at 12, we were hungry so we went out to get food and Andrew had to buy a magazine. On the way out, Stephanie offered us some
Tic Tacs.
Stephanie: Want some Tic Tacs?
Kevin: Yeah, sure. Thanks.
Stephanie: Aren't these the best?! (Immediately starts coughing badly on a Tic Tac)
Andrew: (Laughs) That was perfect timing..!Then we came back and ate these goood chicken and taders we bought, treated our ears to the first two
System Of A Down albums and read the new
Blender magazine, doing the little tests in them...then Stephanie started doing sudoku puzzles then throwing things at Andrew and other random stuff...then Andrew told us about some girl he met.
Andrew: So, I met this hot girl at a bar the other day.
Kevin: Yeah?
Andrew: Yeah, and I couldn't tell if she had a European accent or a speech impediment...Gee XD then at 3 in the morning, we decided that we'd go for a walk! So we walked a few blocks from Andrew's house to this railroad. We followed that for like 5 minutes in the darkness, then stopped under this bridge to stare at the graffiti which was sweeet. Then we turned back and just went on north, following the train tracks, and Stephanie and I kept shoving (and punching) each other [damn you, Steph]. And Stephanie wouldn't stop asking these musical/celebrity questions, testing Andrew. I still don't know why. I think Andrew wants to be a radio VJ...
Then Stephanie saw something move in the bushes, so we threw stones to see if whatever it wuz would come out...then sure enough, a skunk ran out! And Stephanie ran away in sheer terror. XD
Then we kept following the rail road, with more shoving and punching, spotting dead animals and playing a game about actors and movies (the one where you say an actor's name, then the person next to you has to say a movie that actor's in, then the person next to them has to say the name of another actor that's in that movie and then it rotates like that XP). And Stephanie proved to us how strong her sense of smell was...she analyzed this one smell so precisely XD I think it wuz food.
Then we went into this empty factory type place where trucks picked up products (the place had a few security cameras too, but they weren't pointed at us) and I tagged a little bit and drew something kind of vulgar on the side of a trash bin. XP
Then we just walked and walked along the road, following nothing really. Hmmm...then we decided to go home...But we were lost! But we kept walking. And in the words of Stephanie - "We almost got guns pointed at us by some guys in a car and run over."
We passed lots of "Portuguese houses" (as described by Steph) and we saw these two dudes on bikes whom I believe had been doing graffiti...I dunno, one guy had a backpack and the other guy just looked like he did graffiti. XP
Then I tagged a bit more somewhere and we kept walking, trying to figure out where we were and singing random songs and seeing this one cat everywhere we went...and we even saw seaweed on the side of the road! How it got there is still a mystery to us. Then there wuz more shoving and punching...and then Andrew had to pee when we reached an intersection. We passed this one shop that had a sign in front of it with a hand pointing towards the shop.
Stephanie: Pee here! Look, it's even pointing!
Andrew: Ah, the fine art of peeing.I don't think Andrew got to pee though. XD Then Stephanie told us about how she knew this one guy with no testacles. That made me laugh so hard I even fell to the ground!
Then we found the railroad again! AHH! Excitement ran through us. XP and right that moment, Stephanie got us to play this game where she'd say a word and we'd have to think of a song that had that word in it and sing it.
Stephanie: Okay. Umm... "Shoe"!
Kevin: Hmm... "There was on old woman who lived in a shoe..."
Stephanie: "Children".
Kevin: Ah! "Children of the Korn! I'm the first born..!"
Stephanie: Okay. "Chimpanzee".
Kevin: What!? (Laughs)
Stephanie. "Chimpanzee". Andrew?
Andrew: (Balancing on the metal rail a few feet behind us) What?
Stephanie: Think of a song with the word "chimpanzee" in it.
Andrew: Uh... "Chimpanzee...I'm a chimpanzee.."
Kevin: HAHA Sweet.
Stephanie: Okay. Umm... "Sharing"!
Andrew: (Joyfully like a kid singing a tune) "Sharing! Sharing! Under the rainbow...and sun." I don't know, I just made it up.Then later on, Stephanie wanted us to play with our shadows, making things out of them. Then Andrew started talking like a robot. And I couldn't stop laughing. He really pondered being an android. Then for some reason we talked about the
Space Jam soundtrack and sang the songs we could remember. XD
Kevin: "I believe I can fly..."
Andrew: "I believe I can touch the sky..."
Kevin: "I think about it every night and day..."
Andrew: "Spread my wings and fly away..."
Kevin: "I believe I can soar..." Then how does it go?
Andrew: "See me running through that open door..."Mmmyeah...then at around 5 we got back to where we started! We finally reached the little path that had initially led us to the train tracks. And like travellers from far far away, we rested on a bench, super tired, our legs aching.
Kevin: So, Andrew Android...
Andrew: Ah yes, right about that.
Stephanie: Kevin the...Cookie monster!
Kevin: (Laughs) What?!
Andrew: Stephanie the...Stethoscope...
Stephanie: (Looking down smiling, eyes wide with her head tilted sideways like a mannequin) I-Listen-To-Your Heartbeat...XD Then on the way back to Andrew's house, we saw the same cat that we'd seen before!
Stephanie: Oh my God, it's that same cat!
Andrew: I think that cat's leading us the way.
Kevin: Imagine that! What if it leads us to your house? We should follow it.
Andrew: Yes, we should.Then, we followed it into these bushes that lead us to the alleyway that leads to Andrew's. And when we got to Andrew's house, we just lay around, watching
Curb Your Enthusiasm for about an hour. Then Stephanie and I went home around 6.
Then I'm home now, listening to
Deftones and chatting a little bit, trying to post this...and just anticipating the next thing I'm gonna get up to. Too bad Ed's foot is messed up though...He can hardly go anywhere...
So yup! Thanks for asking me to come along, Steph X) there should be a next time...and definitely bring your video camera! ^^