Ok, I just had my first halloween in Canada...must've been the poorest kid (candywise)!
But then again...I didn't go trick or treating and whatnot. Pfff...Trick or treating's for kiiiids XD I got candy from the laaand lady!
She: ''Hi. Help yourself..." (motions to large pile of candy on table)Me: "Uh...OK?" (takes some candy and puts them in pocket)She: "Let me just go get something from my office."Me: "Oh, OK, sure." (waits until she's gone and with itching fingers, stuffs more candy in bulging pockets) Hehehe yeah, I pretty much have candied fingers now. Let's see what I got on my desk...
1 weird eyeball that looks like a Jawbreaker2 tiny M&M's packets1 tiny Nestle Aero bar1 tiny Twix bar2 Starburst fruit chews2 tiny Snickers bars2 tiny Coffee Crisp bars1 tiny Crispy Crunch bar1 Twizzlers1 puny box of Smarties2 Reese's peanut butter cups2 tiny packets of Skittles1 puny packet of Rain-Blo bubblegum ballsYeah, I know. Pretty sad. SHOULD'VE GOTTEN MORE!! But I guess I can still get phatty fat and grow lots of pimples!
Isn't that great? :D
Plan for next halloween: Hang out with the fat kids or ambush them while they're coming around the corner and then grab their beloved bags of candy ^^ ...talk about TRICK or treating...mwehehehe